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 13 results in yourMediumsearch for"watercolor, gouache, graphite, and pen and ink on paper"Advanced Search
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Bed Double, 1935/1942. Creator: Virginia Kennady.
Shutter Hinge and Fastener, c. 1936. Creator: James M. Lawson.
Carved Cameo in Daguerreotype Case, c. 1937. Creator: Clementine Fossek.
Young America Bank, c. 1937. Creator: Clementine Fossek.
Centennial Bank - 1876, c. 1938. Creator: Alf Bruseth.
Satin Bedspread, c. 1936. Creator: Sebastian Simonet.
Silver Dollar Spurs, c. 1938. Creator: Cecil Smith.
Cowboy's Hackamore Bit, 1935/1942. Creator: Cecil Smith.
Iron Bank, c. 1936. Creator: Vincent P. Rosel.
Cellarette, c. 1937. Creator: Vincent P. Rosel.
Patchwork Quilt, c. 1937. Creator: Margaret Linsley.
Tammany Toy Bank, c. 1937. Creator: William O. Fletcher.
Toy Bank: "Waste Not - Want Not", c. 1938. Creator: William O. Fletcher.